The consultation of this website implies the processing of people’s personal details that are identified or can be identified by SardegnaSummer Srl, being the personal data collector.“Personal data” means “any information relevant to an individual that is identified or can be identified whether directly or indirectly, (the “concerned person”); by means of his/her name, identification number, data relevant to the place, online identification number or one or more details that distinguishes his/her physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity”.

IThe personal data “processing” includes any operation or set of operations that is carried out with or without automatic processes that are applied to personal details or sets of personal details such as collection, registration, organization, the structuring, preservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, diffusion or any other form to compare or interconnect, as well as limitation, cancellation or destruction”.Pursuant to art. 13 of the Rules (UE) 2016/679 (hereinafter the “Rules”), this page provides information on how to manage the processing of the user’s personal data (hereinafter “the User” or “the Concerned Person”) who interacts with the web services of SardegnaSummer S.r.l., accessible from the address . The information is provided only for the Website and possible sub-domains and not for the other web sites that can be visited by the User via hypertextual connections or links. Please read this information carefully before providing your personal details.



The Personal Data Collector is SardegnaSummer Srl with registered office at Via Donatori di Sangue, 25 - 08100 - Nuoro, V.A.T. No. 01388260919, e-mail


A. Navigation data

The IT systems and the software procedures of the Website acquire some personal data during their normal operation because the transmission of data is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This information is not collected to be associated to a specific person but it might be processed and associated to data held by third parties in order to identify a User. This data category includes IP addresses or the domain names of the Users’ computer connecting to the Website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the required requests, the times of each request, the method that is used to send the request to the server, the dimension of the reply file, the numeric code indicating the status of the server answer (i.e. successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relevant to the operating system and the User’s IT environment.

This data is utilized only for getting anonymous statistic information relevant to the use of the Website and to make sure that the Website works properly, as well as to guarantee the security of networks and information. Moreover, the navigation data could be used to defend or enforce a legal right and/or to prove and prevent fraud or other crimes.

The juridical base of the processing falls within the legitimate interest of the Data Owner to improve his services and to protect the corporate assets and the security of his infrastructure.


The Collector uses cookies. For further information about cookies and their use, please see the Cookies page that is a part of this informative note.

C.Personal data provided by the User

Explicitly and voluntarily sending an email to the Website addresses implies that the receiver will acquire the data in order to answer the request.

The voluntarily data provided by the User is collected to meet the User’s requests and might be processed by the Collector to fulfil his legal obligations or to defend his rights and/or to prevent fraud or other crimes.

The juridical base of the processing consists of the execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures adopted upon the User’s request and for the legitimate interest of the Collector.

For special activities requested by the User, please see the specific information from the following links:

  • registration to the Website,
  • purchasing items without logging in,
  • subscription to the newsletter service,
  • sending communication by means of the contact form,
  • updates relevant to the availability of a product.

As concerns those activities, specific information notes and specific consents, if they are necessary, will be given on the website pages.


Except for what is given above relevant to the navigation data and cookies, the Users can provide their personal data by sending an email to the website addresses or when they ask for specific website services. It is not compulsory to provide personal details but it might be necessary to meet the User’s requests; the refusal to provide personal data may make it impossible to meet the User’s requests or supply the requested services.


The personal data is preserved by the Collector for a limited time and in accordance with the purposes it is collected for. In particular the following will occur:

Browsing data is deleted after being processed for the purposes it is collected for; the data voluntarily provided by the User by sending electronic mail to the addresses indicated on the website is kept for the time necessary to meet the related requests and, then, for a period not exceeding 10 years in accordance with the legal obligations relevant to civil, fiscal and accounting subjects. In any case, the data collected through the Website may be stored for longer periods, but within the legal limits, to defend or enforce a right and/or for the prevention and/or verification of fraud and other offenses or crimes.


The User data will be processed by the Data Controller using mainly IT and telematic methods.

Specific security measures are adopted to minimize the risk of destruction or loss of personal data, unauthorized access. The Collector has adopted all suitable security measures given by the law.


No personal details collected from the Website are diffused.

In order to achieve the purposes that the personal data is collected for, the Collector can appoint other responsible parties for processing the personal data such as the following:

  • IT service providers, i.e. direct marketing, internet service and cloud computing,
  • subjects that are in charge of the warehouse logistics, as well as promotion, sale and delivery of the products and services of the Collector, customer care, companies and other subjects that provide customers with legal, fiscal, accountancy, financial, technical-organization, data processing and communication services;
  • subjects that provide bank services, i.e. financial, insurance and credit recovery services;
  • controlled companies and subsidiaries;
  • public authorities and supervising bodies;
  • third party companies involved in operations of merging, acquisition or sale of the company or a branch of the company.

The updated list of the Data Processors of personal data is available by a specific request to the Data Controller through the methods indicated in the following paragraph "Rights of the concerned person".

Personal details can be also known by the staff in charge of the execution of orders, the administrative staff, the customer care offices, the marketing and IT departments and other persons in charge of the supply of the services of the Website and the technical and commercial personnel.


The Website is equipped with Social buttons/widgets. These icons are the social network icons such as Facebook and Instagram and they allow the User to interact with the relevant networks by simply clicking on the icon. By entering the social networks, the user can share content or recommend the Website products.

After clicking the Social buttons/widgets, the social network might collect the data relevant to the User’s visit to the Website. As given in the introduction, this privacy information note does not consider the processing of the User’s personal data performed by social networks.

Outside of cases where the User voluntarily shares his/her navigation data with the social networks choses by clicking on the social button/widgets, the Collector will not share or diffuse any detail of the User with the social network.


This Website is to be used by people older than 18 years old. Therefore, requests from people under 18 will not be considered.


Your personal data may be transferred, for the purposes for which it is collected, to China which is a country not belonging to the European Union.

The transfer of personal data to subjects located in China will take place exclusively in accordance with the agreement between COSMERALDA and the non-EU recipient and in accordance with the standard contractual clauses adopted or approved by the European Commission (art. 46, paragraph II, letters C and D of the Regulation).

To obtain a copy of this data, please contact COSMERALDA, as given in the following paragraph "Rights of the concerned person".


With reference to the provided data, the User, being the person to whom the personal data refers, has the right at any time to ask the Owner for the following:

the confirmation that personal data is being processed and, in this case, to access his/her personal data and obtain a copy of it (see Article 15 of the Regulation);

  • the correction of inaccurate personal data, as well as the integration of it, provided that the purposes of the processing are met (see Article 16 of the Regulation);
  • the cancellation of personal data in accordance with the cases given in art. 17 of the Regulation;
  • the limitation of data processing in the cases given in art. 18 of the Regulation;
  • to prevent the processing of personal data (see Article 21 of the Regulation);
  • data portability (see Article 20 of the Regulation);
  • if the User has expressly authorized the processing of his/her personal data for one or more specific purposes (see Article 6, paragraph 1, letter A of the Regulation), to revoke his/her consent without affecting the legality of the processing based on the authorization given before the revocation.

To exercise these rights, the concerned person shall contact COSMERALDA, the Data Owner SardegnaSummer Srl, as follows:

  • By mail: Via Donatori di Sangue, 25 - 08100 - Nuoro, Italy, or
  • By e-mail:

The concerned person, if logged onto the website, may revoke his/her authorization by entering the “My Account” section of the website or, if he/she has subscribed the newsletter service, by entering the link contained in each communication received from the Owner.

Finally, the interested person has the right to claim to the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data as the Guarantor is the control authority of the established procedures.